Bringing the next generation of energy drinks to market

The Challenge
Breinfuel is a cerebral nectar that was developed to provide 8-10 hours of focus and co-founded by a 72 year old eye surgeon and his son. They had an incredible product and internal team/culture, but needed help creating a brand ideantity and positoning that would set them up to scale and grow, creating a new better for you option to energy drinks.

Identified and developed consumer segmentation

Social and digital comp analysis with 10 relevant brands

Full brand positioning from vision to mission to reason to believe

Developed and helped launch Ambasador and Athelte programs

Guided thier team through a rebranding

developed scalable brand marketing and GTM strategy

Guided team through first retail launch across 3000 CVS’s

Continued advisory role to CEO, CRO and board.


Complexcon 2018